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                ABOUT US


                Hao magnet our company has been engaged in the production of magnetic materials for more than 10 years. The production base is located in a suburban industrial zone of the city of Hefei , AnhuiProvince, with branches and warehouses located in Shenzhen.

                The top-five products are sintering, bonded ferrite magnets (with a production of 1,200 tons per month), sintering, Bonded NdFeB rare earth permanent magnets (Nd-Fe-B on production of 400 tons per month), homosexual and heterosexual rubber magnet (RUBBER on the production of 600 Tons), ALNICO (on production of 200 tons per month)...

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              2. Sintered NdFeB magnet
                Sintered NdFeB magnet? Sintered NdFeB Products? Sintered NdFeB performance parameters? Size of the sintered NdFeB? General physical properties of sintered NdFeB? MORE
              3. Ferrite magnets
                Ferrite magnets? Ferrite Products? Ferrite general performance parameters? Ferrite general physical properties? Ferrite production flow chart? MORE
              4. Nien-NdFeB magnet
                Nien-NdFeB magnet? Bonded NdFeB Products? Bonded NdFeB general performance parameters? Bonded NdFeB general physical properties? Bonded NdFeB production flow chart? MORE
              5. Rubber magnet
                Rubber magnet? Magnetic Rubber Products? General Rubber magnetic performance parameters? Magnetic general physical properties of rubber? Rubber production of magnetic flow chart? MORE
              6. AlNiCo magnet
                AlNiCo magnet? AlNiCo Products? AlNiCo general performance? AlNiCo general physical properties? Al nickel and cobalt production flow chart? MORE
              7. SmCo magnet
                SmCo magnet? SmCo Products? SmCo general physical properties? SmCo general performance parameters? Samarium cobalt production flow chart? MORE
              8. NEWS

              9. Successfully obtained ISO9001:2000 certification
                Successfully obtained ISO9001:2000 certification

                The company has successfully obtained ISO9001:2000 system certification...

              10. Magnetic products have successfully passed the ROHS standard test
                Magnetic products have successfully passed the ROHS standard test

                Hao Magneto magnetic material products, in April 4, 2008 again successfully passed the European ROHS standard test....

              11. Anhui (Lujiang) electronic magnetic material Industrial Park
                Anhui (Lujiang) electronic magnetic material Industrial Park

                I. General OverviewThe industry of magnetic materials in Lujiang County was started in the mid-1990s. Since the Tenth Fi...

              12. China will build a strategic stockpile of rare earths
                China will build a strategic stockpile of rare earths

                Recently, Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth (Group) High-tech Co., LTD announced: The People's Government of Inner ...

              13. Home|About Us|Products|News|Quality|Contact Us

                Shenzhen Hao Magnet Electron Co.,Ltd    Contact Person: Mr. Xie

                Address: Bao'an District, Shenzhen City of Guangdong Shajing Town Kiu Tsuen foreigners under the new four districts

                Tel:(86)0755-27530586 13725518768  18926084838



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